Packaging: Rise

Client & Brief

RISE by TLC is a digital content platform for the independent, progressive, young (millennial) urban woman, aged 15-30 yrs, NCCS A. It also appears as a time band on the TLC channel. Rise is a personification of the move that women are making - to move forward, to move society, to move beyond limitations, norms and ideologies. We were called in to brand the Rise by TLC property, expressing the intent and philosophy in the identity and online collaterals; developing a versatile system for the standard digital platforms at the same time being broadcast (for television) friendly.

Approach & Conceptualization

Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product. Lorem ipsum resembles Latin but has no real meaning.


Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product. Lorem ipsum resembles Latin but has no real meaning.

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